Tuesday, April 28, 2009

World Lessons

Who would have thought that 'swine flu' would show up suddenly and rule the world.  I saw a headline today that said 'World Markets in Grip of Swine Flu Fears.'  Our Homeland Security Agency said it is planning for a pandemic breakout, just in case.  That really impacts the collective who live their lives through fear.  This energy will attract that which we are trying to avoid.  The fear generated from the publicizing of this new challenge may dwarf our economic fears.

Notice how the market was down yesterday, giving the 'swine flu' as the reason, and today it's up because of consumer confidence jumping in April.  These are perfect examples of the  Bear being in charge. It shows how susceptible we are to our emotions in how we act.  Become an observer to see the ripple effects in each country.

To followup on the responses to my email regarding my concerns about China, I received an input from one of my senators.  She did not address it at all. 

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Satellite View of the Delta

I decided to give you the link so you can see for yourself what I referred to in my previous blog.  The gray reflects all the human activity.



The Delta and My Personal Evolution

I read a recent article discussing the Sacramento River Delta. The article indicated that it is the most endangered waterway system. There was an aerial view showing the level of human encroachment around this delta which is amazing to see.  As you know this delta is comprised of two rivers supplying the water, and is critical to water availability in Southern California. The discussion of saving species of fish versus watering crops in the Central Valley is interesting. Of course, my thought is once a species is extinct, that's it.  Crops can be planted again when enough water is available for both.

Also, as part of my personal evolution, the content of this blog will start reflecting what I am learning that can be applied to the universal level.  At this time, after a number of recycles/repeats experiences over my life, I can clearly see how my 'business aspect' who has used control to achieve success has controlled me in my personal life too.  Yes, business is all about control, but the personal is all about being vulnerable.  So I am processing grief for the death of this aspect that has ruled this part of my life. I see too that gentleness is necessary for me to make this significant life-change. I smile when I think of looking at this no-nonsense business part of myself in this way.  And I remember how my dad refused to change and instead took his own life. I have put myself through the grinder many times, but I am still here to talk and write about it.  :)

And the last experience that showed me enough truth occurred a few days ago, when my writing critique group's response to my input was to 'get out of your corporate mind.' 

So I am writing about the critical resource of water which symbolizes the emotions.  That's a great combination, and watching what we are doing with what Mother Nature has given us in California reflects our collective consciousness. 

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Wheel of Evolution

Several noteworthy articles that I want to share:

*  One of our most influential science advisors (advises the Secretary of State office), Ms. Federoff said that the population now at 6.8 billion exceeds Earth's 'limits of sustainability', especially with fresh drinking water. The net daily population growth is 218k with a forecast of 9 billion 2040.  

*  Scientists predict that by September 2037, nearly all the sea-free-ice in Arctica will be gone.

*  By 2048, stocks of currently fished wild seafood species will collapse.

*  There is intense discussion as to whether oil has peaked; notable experts say that it did in 2005.  With India coming out with an affordable car for their people in July, and China becoming a major player in vehicle production, the U.S. is headed for a radical change given that we consume about 26% of the daily oil extracted.

These are a few examples of what comprises our full plate as a country and world.  We're looking at a span of almost 40 years here. For those of you who are less than age 50, you will mostly likely be living through these events or situations. I see this period as an intense time for change that is necessary for all of us.  If we incorporate our soul view with the personality view in how we relate to humanity and the use of the earth's resources, we will see the benefit of all that occurs.  I trust that our collective consciousness will expand to meet the challenge of what is necessary in order to benefit not only humans, but all inhabitants living here.  

My mother-in-law's son, my ex-husband, will be arriving today to visit her in Hawaii.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I started this blog because I felt so passionate about what was happening in our collective financial world, mirrored by the collapse of our banking echelon.  And I found myself in disagreement with the experts on how to correct the situation.  

China has been my lastest focus and articles appear almost daily to show what they are doing 'behind the scenes' of the economic turmoil that is taking everyone's attention.  My concern centers around our differences in ideology, and how quickly they act to suppress any expression or beliefs that are contrary to  communism.

A recent event in my personal life is adding a new flavor to this post.  My 98+ year old Chinese mother-in-law is preparing for her exit.  I have known her for over 41 years and she definitely is the strong matriarch of the family.  I feel gratitude and great respect for her and what she has contributed to this world in her individual way.  Imagine what she has seen and experienced in her long life; the Great Depression, World War II (she was in Hawaii when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor), all the technology, and so on.  All of these events, along with her upbringing, shaped her life in the way she lived it.  As I reflect on her stay here on earth, I have come to accept that there will always be conflict, large and small, because that is the human way. Also, Mother Nature displays her own disruptive behavior in many forms to make sure we do not become complacent and also to show us when we need to make a change.  Given this view, I know that on some level beyond our human understanding, all is well.  Each of us who come here are equipped in our own unique way to make our contribution as the journey unfolds.  We decide if it is going to be positive or in the shadow.  We need to be attentive to our inner motivations and how we are behaving.  Self-change is the path in contributing to the 'highest good' of all inhabitants on Earth; all life.