Monday, February 23, 2009


Interesting that the DOW is getting ready to touch 7000.  Citi bank will have to be nationalized. The government doesn't want to call it that, but if it is going to buy 40% of the shares, then what would you call it?  Words are especially powerful now, and if the government shows any sign of changing direction with the banking sector, it will be the leader in pulling the DOW down to levels we haven't experienced in this lifetime.

I saw an interesting statistic.  100 years ago, 90% of the workers were self-employed.  Today, 90% work for a company or organization.  Imagine the ramifications of this kind of change, and 100 years is really a short period of time.

I have been traveling since February 12, visiting my children and their families.  I'm currently in Portland.  In experiencing this city almost yearly, this is the first time I have been here with no rain except this morning.  The norm is rain daily.  

If you are curious about the title, I selected it to emphasize my belief that what we are experiencing with the world is cyclical in nature, as we are individually, and also part of the great pattern set in place, beyond our limited thinking, to help all of us evolve.

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Enlightenment of the self is the key to freedom

On the home front, we have received about a foot of snow in the last couple days with the forecast of precipitation for the rest of this month.  The trees are beautiful under the weight of the it and the Sun is shining through the trees into my office window.  With this brief break, I'm driving to the coast for a few days to see my son and family and then to Portland to visit my daughter.  

The market is unstable now that it is sitting below 8000.  Swings in either direction are probable.  It is controlled by the 'emotions' which means it is uncontrollable. 

An interesting recent statistic is that commercial property dropped 15% in value in 2008.  I haven't heard anyone address this; only individual homes.  The banks have hundreds of billions, if not trillions, tied up in commercial property loans.

California prisons are at 188% capacity.  3 federal judges recently told the state to release approximately 57000 over the next 3 years to reduce crowding. The state said they are going to appeal to the Supreme Court.  What is interesting are the many challenges California has on the burner; i.e. the drought, the debt, and the prison system. 

Also, there are several counties looking at not paying the state since the state has stopped paying them.  Perhaps this will be sufficient motivation in Sacramento to come to terms with reality.

It looks like the stimulus package is going to pass.  I've release my concern about the quantum leap in debt this country has incurred. In the big picture, looking over the past couple thousand years, all takes care of itself and passes over time.  As Shakespeare said, I have finally accepted his truth, we are all playing a role, judged good or bad by the ego, on this stage here. We incarnate and participate in whatever act is being represented.  We each have our part defined by the respective soul plans.  Buddha and his colleagues are right; this world appears to be a suffering one, and we need to relax, find our niche and enjoy life as much as we will allow.  

Enlightenment of the self is the key to freedom.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Perspective on World, Taxes, Drought

Looking at different corners of the world and noticing repeat events:
*  North Korea is no longer talking to South Korea and threatening to send off a missile toward Japan.  It appears that the conservative South Korean leader changed the policy and does not send in humanitarian supplies to North Korea.  When 'social stability' is in jeopardy due to survival needs not being met, there will be civil unrest and violence, either against the government or other countries.  China, Russia, and European countries are experiencing that now.
*  Russia and Cuba recently signed a partnership agreement.   

Having 3 individuals with tax issues who were selected to be in the president's cabinet is troublesome, especially with the implemented detailed screening by the president.   The fact that there were mistakes/errors and amended returns had to be submitted is okay.  But not paying the taxes until being asked to take a cabinet post is an indication of the level of integrity and ethics.  Taxes are the foundation of our government structure.  Back in my career days, I was audited about every other year so I am familiar with the process with the IRS.  What appears also is that the IRS did not diligently pursue these individuals to collect the money due as they do individuals like myself.  No one is too big or important to act outside the laws.  We all need to be treated equally or our Republic that our forefathers set up will be in jeopardy.  I am heartened that 2 of the 3 individuals withdrew.  My judgment is that all 3 should have withdrawn.

Drought is a key word again in California, like in 1977 and 1991.  We are moving into our 3rd year. Lake Shasta, close to where we live, is 31% of capacity.   It was 74% in 2007.  Percentages like this are reported in the lakes and reservoirs in this state.   In researching this historically, there were 'mega-droughts' that lasted 140-200 years around the time of 1100 A.D. and 1350 A.D. Data reviewed over 150 years ago shows that what we consider normal is wet.  The past 100 years may be the wettest in 1000 years.  Imagine if we are alive now to experience the beginning of another drought that will displace people and resources.  This subject could even overshadow our state's debt of $42B.

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