2015 is underway. We can be proactive, an observer, or disinterested. I look at the $18+T debt and shudder. This country stills talks the talk, but our underpinning has noticeably weakened because of our financial situation. Our foundation is unstable. The support by the Federal Reserve printing money is an illusion and creates instability.
Our political parties are acting as if this debt doesn't exist in a meaningful way. We need new leaders in Congress. Playing the same record will not improve our standard of living.
I voted for Ross Perot because of my disappointment in the Democrat and Republican Parties, and as a result indirectly voted for Bill Clinton who won. I feel that we are at a crossroad, an important moment in history when a third party needs to rise out of the ashes.
As I peruse all the information, news and opinions, regarding the 2016 presidential candidates, I see the same energy of the past with no change. I am a strong fiscal conservative and identify myself as an Independent. I will not vote for any candidate who does not have a change of venue in the way to run this country. We are financially underwater and I see no one addressing this with actions.
The United States leaders are living in an illusionary world thinking we are still the mightiest and greatest in all ways. If we are going to fall, I hope it happens quickly versus bleeding us over the years until we recognize that we are out of blood and it is too late.
We, as individual citizens, are going to need know how strong we are within, and decide what ways we want to participate in saving this country. I am a strong believer that it is the grassroots who are the ones to carry the torch. It doesn't matter how much money the elite have and are using to control and coerce Congress and the President. They, as a collective, are lost to self-absorption and the material world only. It is up to us, wherever we are on the map, and whatever we are doing with our lives, to take the initiate for the benefit of our grandchildren, great children and all of those who follow, long after we are gone.
Our political parties are acting as if this debt doesn't exist in a meaningful way. We need new leaders in Congress. Playing the same record will not improve our standard of living.
I voted for Ross Perot because of my disappointment in the Democrat and Republican Parties, and as a result indirectly voted for Bill Clinton who won. I feel that we are at a crossroad, an important moment in history when a third party needs to rise out of the ashes.
As I peruse all the information, news and opinions, regarding the 2016 presidential candidates, I see the same energy of the past with no change. I am a strong fiscal conservative and identify myself as an Independent. I will not vote for any candidate who does not have a change of venue in the way to run this country. We are financially underwater and I see no one addressing this with actions.
The United States leaders are living in an illusionary world thinking we are still the mightiest and greatest in all ways. If we are going to fall, I hope it happens quickly versus bleeding us over the years until we recognize that we are out of blood and it is too late.
We, as individual citizens, are going to need know how strong we are within, and decide what ways we want to participate in saving this country. I am a strong believer that it is the grassroots who are the ones to carry the torch. It doesn't matter how much money the elite have and are using to control and coerce Congress and the President. They, as a collective, are lost to self-absorption and the material world only. It is up to us, wherever we are on the map, and whatever we are doing with our lives, to take the initiate for the benefit of our grandchildren, great children and all of those who follow, long after we are gone.
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