Thursday, March 25, 2010


Now that healthcare has passed with the President's signature, time to stand back and take a more expansive perspective. There is no doubt that the time has arrived for this country to experience a change. The president and congress symbolize this by passing healthcare in the current form. The positive is that those who have been complacent and letting others rule their lives have been pushed to action. This is what allows democracy to be strong, having its citizens be active participants in the ruling process. As time passes, we will experience what is in this healthcare bill. There is no one person who understands the breadth and scope of its impact. As it unfolds, use the impact to scrutinize your own life to see if you are living in a way that best serves you, your family, your relatives, and this planet. Stand up for what is important to you and your life path. If you don't know what that is, use this legislation as a signpost to point the way.

Again, I commend Google for not participating in China's censoring of its people. I welcome those companies and people who put their integrity before money and profits when there is a conflict between the two.

A new wrinkle to the housing market which has yet to reach bottom is Bank of America taking the lead to reduce the principle amount of mortgages of struggling home owners up to 30 % of the principle of the mortgage. I am sure other banks will follow their lead. Watch the FDIC. They closed 7 banks last Friday; the highest weekly rate of closures this year. Momentum is under way.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

U.S. Credit Rating, Google, FDIC

This country's credit rating is more in the news now and seems to be reaching the point of being downgraded, something I have mentioned in this blog as a major concern. With a downgrade, borrowing money will cost more. I think that if this healthcare bill passes without a balance of liberal and conservatives participation, it will create enough financial uncertainty to receive the downgrade at a time when it is unaffordable.

I commend Google for standing up to China's 'censorship standards'. Today, an article mentioned that the company is 99.9% certain it will withdraw from China. With this action, I think that it will definitely have an affect on China's policies in this area because they do want to keep on the edge of technology. Google is like Microsoft, effective in facing the opposition of countries.

The F.D.I.C. is closing several banks a week. They usually announce it on Fridays. Remember, the 'toxic assets' are still on the books. With the market-to-market accounting rule lifted, the banks no longer are reflecting the true value of them by decreasing the asset values on the the financial sheets. This is the primary makeup of the foundations of the big banks like Citigroup, B of A, J P Morgan, Wells Fargo, and the like. Notice these were bailed out and the other banks are simply closed with the assets transferred to the F.D.I.C. for a fire sale in most cases.

Be sure to vote. That is the most effective way to make a difference if you want a change in how the country's government is operating.

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