Interesting that the DOW is getting ready to touch 7000. Citi bank will have to be nationalized. The government doesn't want to call it that, but if it is going to buy 40% of the shares, then what would you call it? Words are especially powerful now, and if the government shows any sign of changing direction with the banking sector, it will be the leader in pulling the DOW down to levels we haven't experienced in this lifetime.
I saw an interesting statistic. 100 years ago, 90% of the workers were self-employed. Today, 90% work for a company or organization. Imagine the ramifications of this kind of change, and 100 years is really a short period of time.
I have been traveling since February 12, visiting my children and their families. I'm currently in Portland. In experiencing this city almost yearly, this is the first time I have been here with no rain except this morning. The norm is rain daily.
If you are curious about the title, I selected it to emphasize my belief that what we are experiencing with the world is cyclical in nature, as we are individually, and also part of the great pattern set in place, beyond our limited thinking, to help all of us evolve.
Labels: banking sector, Citi, credit markets