Friday, April 2, 2010

The Meaning of the Word Trillion

Trillion is a word that is mentioned more now in our lifetime than at any other time. I wonder if there is any one individual who can imagine the significance and value of that number that has twelve (12) zeroes. It stands separate from any reference point in its own league. I think that when a number becomes this large, it loses its significance and therefore can grow at will with a momentum of its own. Also, it will reach the 'law of diminishing returns', most likely before anyone realizes it.

Imagine that this country is incurring and is forecasting to keep incurring at least $1 Trillion in debt yearly. The projected timeframe is 10 years. I don't think a timeframe can be applied because of what I explained in the first paragraph. If grasping the meaning of $1 Trillion is challenging, understanding numbers larger than that is beyond cognizance.

How do you feel when you read numbers in the neighborhood of $50 Trillion that makes up Medicare and Social Security that are unfunded? Do you think we have reached the pivotal point yet or passed it? I'm referring to the pendulum of life that swings back and forth in cycles, like day and night. It occurs at the individual, societal, country, and world levels. Both sides are necessary in order to differentiate between the two. I'm wondering what that experience will be to quantify the word 'trillion.'

This is an exciting time to be present. Hold the world in your hands, not on your shoulders, to see a perspective that allows more of an open mind.



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