Monday, December 1, 2008

Look Behind the Scenes

The market plunges almost 8% today and the consensus is that the recession has 'officially' been announced and it started a year ago.  I don't agree with this since we all new that we have been in a recession long before it became official and the market has reflected this psychological impact.  I think something else is winding its way through the system that even the experts are unaware of. 

Look at Russia and Putin trying to convince the residents not to withdraw their money and send it to other countries for safety.  As a result of this action, the leaders are forced to spend less on military.  As I have said before, Russia will be reined in from spending aggressively on the military because the economic concerns will always take precedence.

The leaders of China are saying that they aren't keeping up technologically.  What are they really telling us?

What is the truth ?  I think the example given here plus other countries and what they are saying and doing lead a direct path to us to see why this market  fluctuates in the extreme.  It goes beyond the Bear having its way.  When I see it, I'll post it here.  If you see it, please let me know.

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At December 2, 2008 at 10:24 AM , Blogger Laurendove said...

I've just read a bunch of your past blogs and everything you say is so true! The scariest part to me is that the bulk of the money that is driving people out of their homes and causing most to live in despair is not even actual, tangible dollars. It's all cyber-virtual money. If anything, that is motivation enough to let go of the material world since the material we are so desperately clinging to is not even real. . .


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